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Patient Reviews for North Star Chiropractic Center

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What Our North Seattle Patients Say

At North Star Chiropractic Center we love when patients share with us their feedback and comments after chiropractic care. Please read our patient testimonials below to see what other people have achieved through their tailored treatment plans with us.

Share your stories too! Click here to send us your feedback so that we can help to spread the word about the benefits of natural North Star Chiropractic Center care.

For more information or to schedule an appointment call or email us.



Life Is Too Short to Live in Pain

I have Idiopathic Scoliosis with a Double Major curve, meaning my spine is in the shape of an ‘S.’ Mostly, my rib cage and torso are out of shape and my internal organs are moved around slightly. I did not have pain until I received surgery to correct the curve, which fused most of the vertebrae in my spine.

After the surgery, I have had chronic pain in the form of nerve damage and muscle spasms. I have also developed two herniated discs. Chronic pain has been a part of my life for over 16 years, after the surgery, and has only gotten worse. I have used acupuncture, massage therapy, exercise, and other alternative approaches since my surgery, as the traditional medical field has no more options for me aside from more surgery.

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I was told to avoid chiropractic by my surgeons. Even worse, I had been told by the chiropractors I had previously approached that they couldn’t work on someone with hardware. Dr. Early not only chose to work with me, but was shocked that other chiropractors refused to do so.

As I sat in his office, tears couldn’t be kept from my face at the relief I felt just knowing that we could try to address some of the pain. We began intensive chiropractic care which provided instant relief of some of the pain. Now over a year and a half later, chiropractic has reduced my pain levels to nearly 0; such an unexpected blessing. I can’t believe I waited so long to find someone who would work with my hardware, but I’ll never give up my chiropractic again – life is too short to live in pain.

Lindsey B.

You Will Love the Results!

Every morning while trying to get out of bed to go to work I would experience severe pain! My shoulders, neck and lower back would ache from the moment I got up to the time I went to bed at night. Taking Ibuprofen and Tylenol just would do it – I knew I needed more help!

When Dr. Early and his office came to my work to provide free chair massages I was intrigued and made an appointment to come see him. I had never thought to see a chiropractor before!

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After a couple weeks of regular adjustments I started to feel better and by the second month of treatment I was pain free! It’s so great to be able to roll out of bed without any hesitation!

Everyone should give chiropractic a chance, you will love the results!

Glenda B.

My Headaches Vanished

I was involved in a car accident that left me with sharp low back pain, headaches and the inability to sleep. I had been to my medical doctor who prescribed me muscle relaxers and pain killers which only seemed to give me temporary relief.

My sister and her boyfriend both had gotten great results with their chiropractic care at North Star Chiropractic Center and recommended I go get an exam. I was nervous because I had never been to a chiropractor and I didn’t know what to expect, but I went ahead and made an appointment anyway.

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All my fears were taken away when I met the friendly and supportive staff. It was clear Dr. Early was dedicated to healing me and actually took the time to explain exactly what was causing me discomfort.

I started getting regular adjustments and massages and in a short time I started feeling like my old self again. I don’t remember the last time I had a headache and now when I lay down I fall asleep so much faster that I would prior to my chiropractic care.

I have told all my friends and coworkers about chiropractic and I thank my sister greatly for telling me about Dr. Early. Without the referral I would probably still be in pain.


Tylenol, No Thanks!

Due to a car accident years ago, I would experience severe headaches everyday along with neck, back, arm and shoulder pain. I found myself using Tylenol as a quick fix to get me through the work day.

While searching the internet looking for some sort of help, I came across North Star Chiropractic Center – at first I was hesitant because in the Philippines, where I am from, chiropractic is not a common practice! The more I thought about it I told myself why not?

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At my appointment Dr. Early took x-rays and discovered some troubles in my neck and low back, for which he recommended regular adjustments.

After several visits I am happy to report I am now headache free and my neck feels lighter. I feel so much better and plan to continue getting adjusted and using the exercises I was given.

As a word of encouragement to others, I would say it is worth a try. Everyone at North Star Chiropractic Center is helpful, caring and friendly!


Workdays are Now Pain Free Again!

As a nurse at Northwest Hospital I am constantly busy helping others and don’t have much time to slow down in a workday. When my neck, low back and hips started aching constantly I knew I was in big trouble. My job is very demanding and requires me to be at my best.

Tylenol and other pain medications were not working and I knew I needed to get help fast – I was relieved when I met Dr. Early at an event at the hospital. He was concerned and offered me the opportunity to come into his clinic and see if chiropractic was something that could help me with my troubles; of course I accepted.

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During the exam, Dr. Early found that my spine was not in the correct alignment and proceeded to present me with a care plan to get me back to good health. I began seeing him three times a week and doing exercises he had designed for me. Within the first month of treatment, my neck was feeling 100% better and within the second month my back was healed – workdays were now pain free again!

All my coworkers are now coming to see Dr. Early as well and have gotten great results. I would recommend chiropractic to everyone with any sort of aches and pains. I know now I will be a chiropractic patient for life! Thank you Dr. Early!

Leslie C.

The Answer to My Prayers

I was suffering from severe low back, pelvic and hip pain as well as short ringing bursts in my ears up to five times a day. There was always a constant nagging in my back and I was unable to perform my regular exercise routine of walking without having to stop and sit down regularly due to excruciating pain.

I have always been a fan of chiropractic and had been getting adjusted about once a month but since this particular office didn’t accept insurance I couldn’t afford more appointments.

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I met Dr. Early at a Weight Watchers open house and he gave me the opportunity to come and get an exam in his clinic which accepted my insurance. I really appreciate the fact that Dr. Early took the time to thoroughly evaluate my condition and explained what was happening in my body and how the regular adjustments would help me improve.

After a few short weeks of his excellent chiropractic care, I can honestly say I feel like a new person. My arthritic pain is much reduced and the ringing in my ears is gone. I am also happy to report I can now walk around Green Lake again without stopping!

I would recommend everyone get a checkup from Dr. Early and find out if chiropractic is right for you. I truly feel Dr. Early’s help was the answer to my prayers.

Virginia D.

I Was Willing to Try Anything

I have been in pain almost every day for the past nine years. I suffer from neck pain, low back pain and hip pain and have tried everything from Eastern to Western medicine, cortisone injections and pain pills with little help.

Recently I was involved in an auto accident, so I went online and found Dr. Early. I had tried chiropractic a few years back and was willing to give it another shot. The staff at North Star Chiropractic Center was friendly and made me feel right at home. Dr. Early was very thorough in his exam and put together a treatment plan that included adjustments, massage and core strengthening.

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After a short time I started feeling better, for the first time in nine years I was virtually pain free. I have told everyone I know about Dr. Early and the ways he helped me. I think Dr. Early and chiropractic are amazing!

I plan to be under chiropractic care for the rest of my life!

Karen M.

A Whole New Baby Girl!

Hi! My name is Annabelle Joy and I am 10 months old. In my short little life I have already had 8 infections in my tiny ears. They are no fun! Several times they kept me awake all night crying and my momma and daddy were really worried about me. My pediatrician gave me antibiotics each time and yes, they helped make my infection go away, but then a couple weeks later, I’d be sick again.

My momma and daddy both visit Dr. Early often for their backs and necks. They really like him! So they asked him if he might be able to help me too. I was happy to hear he thought he could. I visited Dr. Early just 6 times and he adjusted my neck ever so gently. I was such a good girl for him!

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Great news! I have not had an ear infection since. That makes me, my momma and my daddy (and even my big brother!) very happy!

Thank you Dr. Early. I’m a whole new baby girl thanks to you!


Rocking My Baby Pain Free for the First Time!

I was suffering from extreme pain and overall loss of mobility for over 20 years. My neck and back had multiple subluxations which made me feel achy and stiff and it was hard for me to get through everyday life. As a child I wore a back brace and throughout my adult years I had been using pain medications, Advil and home remedies, all of which only provided temporary relief.

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I had never been to a chiropractor before but I couldn’t take the pain anymore and was willing to try anything. I went to North Star Chiropractic Center with little faith I could be helped and left assured I would be taken care of by the friendly and warm staff. Dr. Early outlined an intense treatment plan including adjustments, traction, ice, and exercise. Honestly, within one week my pain was significantly lessened. It was amazing. I could rock my baby to sleep for the first time pain free and give my toddler her first piggy back ride!

I recommend chiropractic to anyone and everyone who is sick, suffering, or in pain – it drastically changed my life and could change yours too!

Amy H.

I No Longer Need My Cane!

I walked into North Star Chiropractic Center four months ago with severe low back pain and nerve pain in my legs; I couldn’t walk without a cane! I had been to other chiropractors in the past and after having a great first impression of North Star Chiropractic Center and the staff I felt certain it could help. Dr. Early ran various tests, took x-rays and discovered I had an inflamed disk in my low back!

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I started out with daily adjustments and after a few short weeks I was walking without my cane and back at my job – it was amazing. My back no longer aches and each week I feel a little stronger!

Chiropractic does work and everyone suffering without back pain should give it a shot. It could even be an alternative to surgery!

Ryan Y.


North Star Chiropractic Center Patient Reviews | (206) 440-7700